spend time examining information in the field of psychology.
Written Assignment Article Summary
The purpose of this assignment is for you to spend time examining information in the field of psychology. You are to choose an interesting and applicable article and write at least a two-page summary of the article. The article may be from the internet, a journal, or a magazine.
In this summary, you are to answer the following questions. USE EACH QUESTION AS A HEADING FOR YOUR ANSWER.
1. Why did you choose this article?
2. What is the article about?
3. How is this article relevant to Introductory Psychology?
4. What did you learn that is meaningful to you?
Specifics of the Written Assignment:
• Paper is to be a maximum of two pages plus the cover page. No handwritten summaries will be accepted.
• Use 1 inch margins all around.
• Use 12 pt. font.
• Cover page must be included and contain your name, class, title of paper.
• Staple or clip your article to your paper. No paper will be accepted without the article.
• Use paragraph breaks, proper grammar, correct spelling, and a formal writing style.
• Use each of the above questions as a heading.
• All written assignments must be typed and checked for grammatical, syntax, and spelling errors. In order to avoid a zero for this assignment, make sure that no portion of your summary is plagiarized and that all instructions are followed.
- Assignment status: Resolved by our Writing Team