Wednesday, 25 October 2017

spend time examining information in the field of psychology.

Written Assignment Article Summary
The purpose of this assignment is for you to spend time examining information in the field of psychology. You are to choose an interesting and applicable article and write at least a two-page summary of the article. The article may be from the internet, a journal, or a magazine.
In this summary, you are to answer the following questions. USE EACH QUESTION AS A HEADING FOR YOUR ANSWER.
1. Why did you choose this article?
2. What is the article about?
3. How is this article relevant to Introductory Psychology?
4. What did you learn that is meaningful to you?
Specifics of the Written Assignment:
• Paper is to be a maximum of two pages plus the cover page. No handwritten summaries will be accepted.
• Use 1 inch margins all around.
• Use 12 pt. font.
• Cover page must be included and contain your name, class, title of paper.
• Staple or clip your article to your paper. No paper will be accepted without the article.
• Use paragraph breaks, proper grammar, correct spelling, and a formal writing style.
• Use each of the above questions as a heading.
• All written assignments must be typed and checked for grammatical, syntax, and spelling errors. In order to avoid a zero for this assignment, make sure that no portion of your summary is plagiarized and that all instructions are followed.

Monday, 23 October 2017

Sam Jones owns and runs a small social media company.

Assessment Brief: A4
A4: Portfolio (Weighting 35%) Submit via Moodle Length: 1500 +/- 5% Words
This assessment consists of FOUR parts:
Part 1: Email Writing
Part 2: Creating Progress Report (Memo)
Part 3: Letter Writing (Letter of Introduction)
Part 4: Letter Writing (Complaints Handling)
Part 1: Email Writing (Weighting 5%)
Infrastructure Upgrade
Sam Jones owns and runs a small social media company. His staff of six has struggled long and hard 1 through the first few years of business. Now that they are turning a profit, he has treated them all to new computer systems and software that can make doing their jobs a lot easier.
After this huge investment, he has noticed production and revenues are down and employees are not using the new tools.
Create an email from Sam to his employees briefly explaining the situation and announcing a team meeting.
Part 2: Email Writing (Weighting 20%)
Progress Report (Memo)
Create a memo based on Part 1 scenario and meeting.
Part 3: Letter Writing (Weighting 5%)
The Printing Opportunity
Rose Johnson owns a small printing business. She believes that the big tourism attraction on the outskirts of town must have some printing needs she could meet. One day, on the way back from delivering an order to a client, Rose stopped in at the administration office and asked who made the decisions about print advertising and if she could get the person’s best contact details. She was told it was Collin Downs and was given his mailing address.
Rose needs to write a letter to Collin explaining what she could do to help him—brochures, newsletters, site maps, place mats for the dining room, etc.—and how quickly they could get them printed.
Imagine you are Rose. Write a letter to Collin introducing yourself, your business and explaining how you can help him. Remember WIFM. Produce the letter in the appropriate format.
Part 4: Letter Writing (Weighting 5%)
The Unhappy Customer
Success Labs mandates that all customer service contacts demonstrate the company's position, values and value-added service; however, they have been getting a few complaints about one of the webinar speakers for -12 Steps to Sell Online-.
To whom it may concern:
I purchased access to the webinar -12 Steps to Sell Online- on January 20th. I was greatly disappointed with the quality of the presentation and the skills of the presenter. The speaker was crass, condescending and borderline rude. He assumed those his audience were idiots and communicated as much with his off-hand comments. You should really rethink who you have present on behalf of your organisation. I am so disgusted that I would not only like a refund for this webinar, but I also want to close my Success Labs membership and want a refund on that as well.
Jenna James
Create a letter in response to this unhappy customer.
An assessment item submitted after the assessment due date, without an approved extension or without approved mitigating circumstance, will suffer a late submission penalty. The late submission penalty is a reduction of the mark allocated for the assessment item by 5% per day (or part thereof) of the total marks available for the assessment item as indicated in the Unit Outline. A ‘day’ for this purpose is defined as any day of the week including weekends. Assignments submitted later than one (1) week after the due date will not be accepted. Extensions to assignment deadlines based on mitigating circumstances shall be at the discretion of the Executive Dean, and should be granted in writing by completing the Extension of Assessment Item Request Form with appropriate documentation. Mitigating circumstances are circumstances outside of the student's control that have had an adverse effect on the student's work or ability to work. A Request is not automatically approved, and lecturer and/ or Executive Dean will inform the student in writing of the outcome of their Request.

Judge the implementation and levels of adoption of sustainable practices by a major event.

Assessment 3
Assessment method: Industry sector report
Weighting: 40%
Word count or equivalent: 1600 words
Due week: 12
Judge the implementation and levels of adoption of sustainable practices by a major event. Which practices are being implemented and which warrant further attention? What legacies are created for stakeholders from the event? (1600 words)
You will be expected to use a wide range of resources for your assignments, including industry documents, strategic plans and research reports. You will not be able to rely on the list of readings provided in the course guide, they are just a starting point.
This assessment task is to be presented in a pdf format with appropriate sub-headings, and use the APA referencing system (refer to WAI mywai degrees LRC referencing style guide).
This assignment should have a word limit of 1600 words, and appendices and references are excluded from the word count. It is required to be submitted through Mywai by 5.00pm on the class day during week 12. No hard copies or reports sent as email attachments will be accepted. No assignments will be marked, unless they have been submitted through Mywai. Appropriate penalties will be applied for late submission.
Please use the rubric as a guide in the submission of your report-in particular take note of the compliance section of the rubric. Failure to meet the compliance section of the rubric will potentially result in a loss of marks.
Sustainability and the events industry Assessment 3 - Marking Rubric Guide
The Report:
Please follow the report, as well as data and numbers found in the report to analyse.
Here are the sustainable practices:
ISO 20121: audit and certification
GRI G4: reporting
Life-cycle assessment: reporting and data analysis

Describe and draw demand curves for each type of market: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly.

1) Describe and draw demand curves for each type of market: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly.
2) How do firms maximize profits in competitive markets? How does this differ from a monopolistic market? Please show what this looks like for each market structure in a graph including demand, supply and cost curves. (This requires both a narrative explanation and accompanying graphs.)
3) Calculate elasticity of demand for the following price and quantity combinations for widgets.
P0 = $17, Q0 = 143
P1 = $19, Q1 = 112

4) Can monopolists charge any price they want and stay in business? Why or why not?
Assignment status: Resolved by our Writing Team

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Guidelines to writing the Paper Tips on how to complete this assignment may be found at Download the Research Article Critique List of Articles and select ONE to analyze. Retrieve the full-text version of the article from the library. Read it thoroughly. Introduction (one paragraph): The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader's attention. Provide a brief description of the research article to be discussed. Discuss the purpose of your paper. The purpose statement of the paper should relate to the research article reviewed and the implications that it has to evidence based nursing practice. You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words Describe the research question for this study in a paragraph. Describe the research in greater detail. Include your observations about this question. Discuss events or trends that could have affected this question. You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words Describe the research design of this study, and in your own words discuss the design. Discuss the research design of the study. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the type of design and hypothesize why the author utilized the design as opposed to others. You will need to summarize the information from the article in your own words Describe the sample. Briefly describe the sample size used for this study Make a judgment as to whether the sample size was adequate and defend your answer. Describe the number or participants and determine if the number of participants was adequate compared to the research question and the intent of the study. Are these numbers adequate? Discuss gaps in that you identified. You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words Describe the data collection method(s)' Who collected the data? What tools were used? What were the ethical considerations addressed and discuss gaps you identified. You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words Describe the limitations of the study. Identify the limitations within the study Describe how the limitations could be overcome in subsequent studies Comment on why limitations are important to list and discuss within a study You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words Describe the findings reported in the study. Describe the findings reported in the study Discuss whether the findings of the study answered the research question posed within the study Discuss the credibility of the findings If the findings do not support the research question posed within the study, what do you believe is the reason? You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words Summary Summarize important points from the body of your paper including the key components of the paper. Include a statement about the research question and the findings. Discuss the probability of implementation into practice. Based on these findings, is the evidence that you found on your topic strong enough to suggest a change in practice, or an idea for practice? End with a concluding statement. Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. In-text citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, "How do I know this?" and then cite the source. Reference Page: The Reference Page should start on a new page (insert a page break). All references should be cited within the body of the paper as (Author, year) and the full reference should be included in APA format on the reference page. A url link alone is not an adequate reference. See the APA Guidelines in Course Resources for examples of properly formatted references.

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business happenings and transactions involving the Cardigan famil

Throughout this course, you will become familiar with various business happenings and transactions involving the Cardigan family. Each Discussion Board topic, as well as the Assignments, will help you with structuring your understanding of business law. The Cardigan family has made a name for themselves in the sweater industry by designing sweaters for a variety of uses and for a wide target audience ranging from toddlers to business professionals. Cassandra, whom everyone calls Cassie, is the CEO of CARDWARE Inc., Camoni is the spokesperson for the sweater line, and Candie models the lines in the professional sphere. They often use their mother, Camille, as a business consultant for input about various new ideas and marketing because she was the manager of her son’s glove company. Cora and Caley, Camille’s two youngest daughters from her second failed marriage to Bo Jenkins, are co-office managers of their headquarters located in Silkadonia. The Cardigans are an equal opportunity employer. Gabbie has been hired to answer phones for CARDWARE between the hours of eight and noon daily with a 1-hour lunch break followed by reception work from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. At the time of hire, Gabbie was informed of the hours and the importance of being available to answer calls promptly. Additionally, she was told that there is a high volume of calls in CARDWARE. As such, it is essential that Gabbie make sure that if she is ill or has a vacation day, she give CARDWARE reasonable notice so that a suitable substitute could help answer the telephone and take messages. One Monday morning, Gabbie announced that she was now a member of the New Freedom Ocean Peace Church. Further, that she would need to have an hour off twice a week to observe her new found religious practices of going to the beach and meditating and praying. She also indicated on the day of her announcement that she is very excited and will be observing her first religious requirement that day. Cora reminds Gabbie of the terms of Gabbie’s employment and tells her that CARDWARE will not be able to provide accommodation for Gabbie’s religious activity. Discuss whether or not CARDWARE is obligated under the First Amendment to provide reasonable accommodation or not. Be sure to provide an engaging and substantive response indicating your understanding of her constitutional right to the free exercise of her religion. Do you agree? Why or why not? Justify your answer using information from your Reading in Chapter 1. In your response, be sure to: Discuss the establishment clause. Discuss how employers must reasonably accommodate employees’ religious beliefs.

An introduction consisting of a description of your research topic and research statement (in total no more than 3-4 sentences)

Task description
This assignment will consist of a research proposal.
Taking the topic you have chosen, and using our feedback, revise what you have written for the Assessment 1 & 2 using the following structure:
1. An introduction consisting of a description of your research topic and research statement (in total no more than 3-4 sentences)
2. A set of research aims (1) objectives (2-5 in bullet points ) (should be no more than half a page
3. A description of the literature (rewritten from your literature review, if necessary, and précised into half a page)
4. A methodology section (about 5 pages, including):
a. Method chosen and why
b. Participants (who, where)
c. Sample size and sampling frame (how many, justification)
d. The type of data analysis needed
5. Discussion of the ethical issues involved and how you will deal with them
6. Timeline for the research (1/2 page)
7. What kind of stakeholder, community participation you will undertake (1/2 page)
8. Dissemination strategy (1/2 page)
9. Importance of the research (1 page).
The research proposal should be NO MORE THAN 8 PAGES LONG. It should be followed with a reference list (it may now include more than the 10 you previously used).
Assessment criteria
• Relevance of your work
• Work responds directly to the assigned task (see 1-5 above)
• Evidence of critical reflection and growth in understanding
• Conclusions are supported by evidence and argument
• Intellectual coherence of your work
• Logical flow of ideas
• Presentation is clear and concise
• Referencing is accurate
• Free from plagiarism'
Things to remember with regard to content:
• Have you clearly revised your one page research statement?
• Is your methodology section comprehensive and complete?
• Does the method chosen fit the topic?
• Is your timeline realistic for what you are trying to achieve
• Is your community/stakeholder consultation adequate?
• Is your whole assignment well structured, succinct and lucidly written, with correct syntax and spelling?
• Have you properly assessed the importance of the research?
• Is your assignment correctly referenced? The five papers and any others that you mention must be cited in either APA or ICMJE (‘Vancouver’) style.

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Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

This assignment contains two (2) deliverables: a summary document to be delivered in a word processor document format and a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to be delivered in a project file.
Overview As the project manager for an IT department, you have been assigned to manage the project of deploying a new VoIP phone system to the company’s campus. The campus consists of three (3) different buildings, each with twenty to fifty (20 to 50) workstations. The project must be completed in ninety (90) calendar days starting on November 1.
Deliverable 1: Summary (MS Word or open source equivalent)
1. Write a one to two (1-2) page summary document in which you:
a. Summarize the project requirements and other assumptions (e.g., budget, human resources, workload, environmental dependencies, etc.).
b. Define a work breakdown structure and describe the methodology behind constructing one.
Deliverable 2: WBS (MS Project or open source equivalent)
2. Use Microsoft Project to create a WBS which:
a. Contains at least five (5) main tasks, one for each of the PMBOK® process areas.
b. Contains at least sixty (60) line items distributed in ten (10) or more work packages.
c. Contains Work Breakdown Structure Code for each task.
d. Presents a duration estimate for each task which results in a duration estimate for the project not to exceed the requirements described in the overview.
Deliverable one (1) of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length

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