Judge the implementation and levels of adoption of sustainable practices by a major event.
Assessment 3
Assessment method: Industry sector report
Weighting: 40%
Word count or equivalent: 1600 words
Due week: 12
Judge the implementation and levels of adoption of sustainable practices by a major event. Which practices are being implemented and which warrant further attention? What legacies are created for stakeholders from the event? (1600 words)
You will be expected to use a wide range of resources for your assignments, including industry documents, strategic plans and research reports. You will not be able to rely on the list of readings provided in the course guide, they are just a starting point.
This assessment task is to be presented in a pdf format with appropriate sub-headings, and use the APA referencing system (refer to WAI mywai degrees LRC referencing style guide).
This assignment should have a word limit of 1600 words, and appendices and references are excluded from the word count. It is required to be submitted through Mywai by 5.00pm on the class day during week 12. No hard copies or reports sent as email attachments will be accepted. No assignments will be marked, unless they have been submitted through Mywai. Appropriate penalties will be applied for late submission.
Please use the rubric as a guide in the submission of your report-in particular take note of the compliance section of the rubric. Failure to meet the compliance section of the rubric will potentially result in a loss of marks.
Sustainability and the events industry Assessment 3 - Marking Rubric Guide
The Report:
Please follow the report, as well as data and numbers found in the report to analyse.
Here are the sustainable practices:
ISO 20121: audit and certification
GRI G4: reporting
Life-cycle assessment: reporting and data analysis
- Assignment status: Resolved by our Writing Team

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