Friday, 24 January 2014



Stage 1
Design a 10-week program suitable for a future class that you wish to teach. Present the program in a tabular framework. At minimum you should include the following in your framework: Do not write lesson plans.
? Topics
? Language focus (structure, function, lexical, phonological etc.)
? Goals
? Outcomes
? Resources
? Tasks/activities
? Skills focus
? Assessing learning: Describe four assessment tasks-one for each skill.

Design: 3 lessons per week for 10 weeks. One week should cover one page. The weekly focuses should cover all four macro skills (listening, speaking, reading writing) and should be ‘balanced’ according to the ‘needs’ of the group and the curriculum you design. The weekly focuses must be clear, so that any teacher could read this and understand what to do.
Stage 2
Then write a course rationale using the principles of curriculum design you have learned. Reference your justification with in-text citations and provide a reference list of recent works by different authors.
Include the following in your rationale:
1. Class profile:
1. Teaching context, e.g. school, university, private institute
2. Students’ age, language and social background
3. Broad level of proficiency
4. Type of class, e.g. general, academic, school subject
5. Student general motivation/interest in English
6. Length of lessons and number of hours taught per week.
2. Needs analysis:
1. Learners’ entry and exit levels.
2. Scope
3. Sequence
3. Situation analysis:
1. Contextual factors
2. Learner factors
3. Teacher factors
4. Theories underlying your choice of activities/tasks and materials.
5. Pragmatic aspects.
6. Cultural considerations.
7. Intercultural perspectives.

Explanation and justification: The essay is about you explaining and justifying the curriculum you have designed. Explain and justify how you will ascertain the needs of your target group. You do not need to justify every aspect of every week, but rather the curriculum as a whole. Justify all aspects of the curriculum you have identified in terms of the principles you have learned. In other words, explain why you have information gap activities; or why you have form focused activities; why you have used authentic resources; why you have used pair-work/group work; why you have chosen certain resources; why you have chosen the assessment tasks; why you have chosen the topics for study etc. In terms of how you sequence this, that is your decision and your academic skill.
Target Group: Profile (explain) the target group of adult ESL learners (you decide the proficiency level) in Brisbane Australia. There is an even mix of males and females. These students come from various countries including China, Korea, Japan, Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia (you may add more). They come from various backgrounds. You can briefly describe these and the reasons why they have come to study English in Australia
You must refer to academic literature when you explain and justify by using references in the correct format.

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