Saturday, 11 November 2017

International and Domestic Terrorism

Assignment List Project – Week 7 (PowerPoint)

Project –  (PowerPoint)

DUE: Dec 24, 2017 

Assignment Details

Open Date Nov 6, 2017 12:05 AM

Attachments checked for originality? Yes


Assignment Instructions

Terrorism Event Research Project Presentation:

This project presentation requires you to answer when, who, where, what how (tactic employed), what definition, and the specific and broad type of terrorism related to any terrorist event that has occurred anywhere in the world from “14 days prior to the start of the course” to “one week prior to your assignment being due at the end of week seven.” Events outside (before or after) this specific time/date period will receive a zero. The final section, where most points can be earned, requires you to identify and explain security and counter-terrorism measures in relation to your selected type of terrorism. Each section/slide should be concise/brief or provides specific word length requirements.


Mandatory Protect Slide Format (sequence and specific headings):

Slide 1:

Title slide (similar to an APA title page – event title, name, date, etc., but no running head)

Slide 2:

When: (date)

Who: (terrorist group and/or affiliation)

Where: (city, state, province, country)

Slide 3:

What: (“in “no more than 100 words,” relate the incident, but do “not” copy and paste news reports here). Ensure you include an in-text citation here (referenced at the end of the project). As not to make the slide “busy” (crowded), you should use the speaker notes section for most of your “100 words” (the slide for major titles, points, etc.)

Slide 4:

Tactic Employed: (hijacking, bombing, kidnapping, assassination, etc.) Be specific and concise.

Slide 5:

Formal/Major Terrorism Definition Used to Label this Event as a Terrorist Act: (FBI, UN, EU, etc.) Ensure you include an in-text citation here for the source of your definition (referenced at the end of the project presentation). Explain specifically how your event appropriately “fits” this definition. Be specific and concise. A common point deduction for “not” explaining how the definition fits the specific event.

Slide 6:

Type of Terrorism: (in “no more than 100 words,” explain the type of terrorism: religious, state, right-wing, left-wing t, biological, chemical, cyber, nuclear – including radiological materials, ecological, narcotic, separatist, or issue oriented). As not to make the slide “busy” (crowded), you should use the speaker notes section for most of your “100 words” (the slide for major titles, points, etc.)

Slide 7:

International or Domestic Terrorism: (“in “no more than 100 words,” explain why this event is either international or domestic terrorism – “or” can be argued as both broad types of terrorism). As not to make the slide “busy” (crowded), you should use the speaker notes section for most of your “100 words” (the slide for major titles, points, etc.)

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