Sunday, 20 September 2020

Choose any three current challenges in public health. The challenges can be local, global, or a combination of any of these

The Writing Project is due this week. Submit your work as word documents (the report and brochure information) and submit your PowerPoint. If you do not have PowerPoint, you can use Open Office (free download): and use Impress to create your presentation. You will submit the report as word documents and you will submit a PowerPoint too.

Writing Project Assignment

By the end of Week 3, you are required to submit:

Public Health Writing Project

  1. Report: Choose any three current challenges in public health. The challenges can be local, global, or a combination of any of these.  Create a brief one to two page report as an overview on the topics you choose. Include a reference page, and use APA 6th ed. format for citations and references. You only have to use APA format for the citations and references.
  2. PowerPoint: Create a 5 page PowerPoint with key talking points that you would use if you were presenting the topics to other health professionals. Include the following:
    • The community public health issue you chose with a description of it
    • Factors that contribute to the issue
    • Available data
    • Possible interventions that can be made by community health workers

Grading Criteria:

Report: 40 points possiblePowerPoint: 40 points possibleProper use of APA: 20 points possible

Your score on this writing project counts as 15% of your overall grade in this course. Submit your project by clicking on the link above.

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