Chosen Scenario: Rikers Island The officers and inmates there were part of what officials with the Department of Investigation and the Department of Correction described as a network of contraband smuggling and other criminality at Rikers that undermined security at the jail complex and contributed to violence. The search also uncovered stashes of marijuana, tobacco, and weapons. In just one measure of the rising levels of violence, there were 1,844 uses of force by corrections officers at the jail complex from January to May 2014, a number that had doubled for that time period for each of the previous three years according to the Corrections Department. Also during this period, there were 274 drug recoveries and 868 weapons confiscated, the department said.
Chosen Scenario: Rikers Island The officers and inmates there
were part of what officials with the Department of Investigation
and the Department of Correction described as a network of
contraband smuggling and other criminality at Rikers that
undermined security at the jail complex and contributed to
violence. The search also uncovered stashes of marijuana, tobacco,
and weapons. In just one measure of the rising levels of violence,
there were 1,844 uses of force by corrections officers at the jail
complex from January to May 2014, a number that had doubled for
that time period for each of the previous three years according to
the Corrections Department. Also during this period, there were 274
drug recoveries and 868 weapons confiscated, the department
Resources for the Rikers Island scenario • City of New York Department of Correction. (2015). Retrieved from • Perry, R. (2014, October 29). 3 New York City correction officials to step down amid scrutiny of Rikers. The New York Times. Retrieved from • Schwirtz, M. (2014, June 24). Corruption sweep at Rikers Island leads to 22 arrests. Religion & Ethics Newsweekly. Retrieved from • Wulfhorst, E. (2014, July 29). Guards at New York City jail accused of drug trafficking. Yahoo News. Retrieved from The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in developing research analysis skills including critical thinking, writing, and literature research skills. This annotated bibliography assignment will provide you with an opportunity to locate resources for your Intervention Plan in Week Six. For this annotated bibliography, you will research a minimum of nine sources in total, including at least one each of the following types: peer-reviewed articles, scholarly resources, and professional resources that are considered to have reliable information. (Professional resources exclude popular news sources (e.g., Newsweek, Time, People, New York Times, and any television news source) and online open sourced materials like Wikipedia.) At least six of your sources must have been published within the last ten years. Each scenario has a list of resources including news articles providing documented facets of the scenarios. The resources provided with your chosen scenario are permitted to be used as sources for your Intervention Plan, but news articles (even those included with the scenarios) are not permitted for use in the Annotated Bibliography assignment. Thus, it will be necessary to expand into more generalized research in law enforcement or corrections as it relates to your chosen scenario. For this assignment, you are researching for the Intervention plan so locating sources on the following topics specifically related to law enforcement or corrections may prove valuable: management and leadership, corruption, ethics, human resources, professional development, communication, media, community relationships and other topics specifically covered in the Intervention Plan. (Access the MSCJ Professional Sources guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for additional assistance with finding appropriate resources.)
The annotated bibliography must include the following for each source. •Create a complete APA formatted citation. •Create an annotation that summarizes the information provided in the full article. •It may be helpful to ask the following questions while synthesizing this information. ◦Who is/are the author(s)? ◦What was done within the study? (e.g., An experimental study was completed investigating the interaction of short-term memory and attention.) ◦Who are the subjects of the study? ◦How was it done? ◦What were the major findings? ◦What contributions to the literature were made? (e.g., new findings, applications, etc.) ◦How does this information relate to the Intervention Plan assignment? The Intervention Plan Annotated Bibliography •Must be three to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style •Must include a separate title page with the following: ◦Title of paper ◦Student’s name ◦Course name and number ◦Instructor’s name ◦Date submitted •Must use at least nine scholarly and/or professional sources, six sources published within the last ten years •Must document all sources in APA style •Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Resources for the Rikers Island scenario • City of New York Department of Correction. (2015). Retrieved from • Perry, R. (2014, October 29). 3 New York City correction officials to step down amid scrutiny of Rikers. The New York Times. Retrieved from • Schwirtz, M. (2014, June 24). Corruption sweep at Rikers Island leads to 22 arrests. Religion & Ethics Newsweekly. Retrieved from • Wulfhorst, E. (2014, July 29). Guards at New York City jail accused of drug trafficking. Yahoo News. Retrieved from The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in developing research analysis skills including critical thinking, writing, and literature research skills. This annotated bibliography assignment will provide you with an opportunity to locate resources for your Intervention Plan in Week Six. For this annotated bibliography, you will research a minimum of nine sources in total, including at least one each of the following types: peer-reviewed articles, scholarly resources, and professional resources that are considered to have reliable information. (Professional resources exclude popular news sources (e.g., Newsweek, Time, People, New York Times, and any television news source) and online open sourced materials like Wikipedia.) At least six of your sources must have been published within the last ten years. Each scenario has a list of resources including news articles providing documented facets of the scenarios. The resources provided with your chosen scenario are permitted to be used as sources for your Intervention Plan, but news articles (even those included with the scenarios) are not permitted for use in the Annotated Bibliography assignment. Thus, it will be necessary to expand into more generalized research in law enforcement or corrections as it relates to your chosen scenario. For this assignment, you are researching for the Intervention plan so locating sources on the following topics specifically related to law enforcement or corrections may prove valuable: management and leadership, corruption, ethics, human resources, professional development, communication, media, community relationships and other topics specifically covered in the Intervention Plan. (Access the MSCJ Professional Sources guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for additional assistance with finding appropriate resources.)
The annotated bibliography must include the following for each source. •Create a complete APA formatted citation. •Create an annotation that summarizes the information provided in the full article. •It may be helpful to ask the following questions while synthesizing this information. ◦Who is/are the author(s)? ◦What was done within the study? (e.g., An experimental study was completed investigating the interaction of short-term memory and attention.) ◦Who are the subjects of the study? ◦How was it done? ◦What were the major findings? ◦What contributions to the literature were made? (e.g., new findings, applications, etc.) ◦How does this information relate to the Intervention Plan assignment? The Intervention Plan Annotated Bibliography •Must be three to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style •Must include a separate title page with the following: ◦Title of paper ◦Student’s name ◦Course name and number ◦Instructor’s name ◦Date submitted •Must use at least nine scholarly and/or professional sources, six sources published within the last ten years •Must document all sources in APA style •Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
- Assignment status: Resolved by our Writing Team
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