Identify an area of research that your group believe is both important and interest, and write a short paragraph indicating why your group believe this area of research is important, and why it is interest to your group.
ACCT 602 Accounting and Accountability
Assignment 2
Submission Guidelines
Submit your research essay to LEO and hand a hard copy to your lecturer in Week 12 please (the
week following your submission on Turnitin.
Word Limit
2000 G 2500 words.
Individual Research Report
No more than 2500 words. All reports must be typewritten 11point font, 1.5 spaced, with an adequate left hand margin. The essay should also show extensive evidence of research, pursue a coherent argument and have a sound structure and analytical framework. You are expected to use journals and textbooks published after 2000. Cite references in Harvard style.
1. Identify an area of research that your group believe is both important and interest, and write a short paragraph indicating why your group believe this area of research is important, and why it is interest to your group. (400 words)
2. Write down a research question that would guide your exploration in the area of research interest that you have identified. (approximately 100 words)
3. Find EIGHT (8) academic journal articles that relate to your area of research interest – write a maximum of 150 words for each article indicate why that article is relevant to your research, and the useful information and findings that it conveys for this project. (1200 words max)
4. Discuss the findings of the research above in relation to your research question (approximately 300 words)
5. In approximately 500 words indicate which of the accounting theories you have studied this semester might help to explain your research questions, and why these accounting theories would be appropriate.
6. Refer to academic journals, but not Wikipedia, etc.
7. You must include an abstract, introduction, conclusion and references.
8. This assignment will be submitted via Turnitin. You are also requested to hand a hard copy of the assignment to your lecturer in Week 12.
ACCT602 Assignment 2 Semester 2, 2017
Rubric – Assessment Task 2: Research Essay
* This rubric is indicative of the rubrics that will be used to assess this assignment. To ensure the assignment is indicative of the current accounting environment, minor changes may be made to reflect these. A final version of this rubric will be made available at the time the assignment document is available.
ILOs Criteria Standards
Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Level 1 (e.g. NN) Level 2 (e.g. PA) Level 3 (e.g. CR) Level 4 (e.g. DI) Level 5 (e.g. HD)
LO1, LO3, LO4 & 5 Justify the Shows little to no understanding of accounting theories. Shows a basic understanding of accounting theories. Shows a good Shows a well-developed understanding of accounting theories. Shows an excellent understanding of accounting theories.
importance of the research topic understanding of
accounting theories.
LO1 Research findings Satisfactory discussion of research findings that contribute knowledge and value to the field. They are described in a satisfactory manner. Satisfactory discussion of research findings that contribute knowledge and value to the field. They are described in a satisfactory manner. Good discussion of research findings that contribute knowledge and value to the field. They are described somewhat clearly. Very good discussion of research findings that contribute knowledge and value to the field. They are described clearly. Excellent discussion of research findings that contribute knowledge and value to the field. They are described very clearly.
LO3, LO4 & 5 Relevancy of the selected academic journal articles. Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. Demonstrates consistent use of credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas, but these is not always explicit or well developed. Demonstrates consistent use of high quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas. Consistently Demonstrates expert use of high-quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Shows extensive evidence of reading beyond the key reading.
demonstrates expert use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop appropriate arguments and statements. Shows evidence of reading beyond the key reading.
LO3, LO4 & 5 Discussion and findings Show no or little evidence drawn upon to support or contradict the academic literature. Show adequate evidence drawn upon to support or contradict the academic literature. Show relevant evidence drawn upon to support or contradict the academic literature. Show highly proficient evidence drawn upon to drawn upon to support or contradict the academic literature. Show outstanding proficient evidence drawn upon to support or contradict the academic literature.
LO1, LO3, LO4 & 5 Use of academic and accounting discipline conventions and sources of evidence Poorly written with errors in spelling, grammar. Accurate spelling, grammar and paragraph construction. Well-written. There are no mistakes in using the Harvard style for referencing. Very well-written Expertly written
There are mistakes in using the Harvard style for referencing. There are no mistakes in There are no mistakes in using the Harvard style for referencing. There are no mistakes in using the Harvard style for referencing.
using the Harvard style for referencing.
ACCT602 Assignment 2 Semester 2, 2017
ACCT602 Assignment 2 Semester 2, 2017
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